Bible based points of view with no apologies!

Michael Bell

Thought I would write this to put a end to the wondering and questions about what I believe so here goes take it however you want it.

I grew up in a Christian background [ Church of Christ] where I attended for almost 20 years, though I don’t agree with some of the doctrines I wouldn’t change my upbringing for nothing. I left the church as most do and sowed some wild oats but the Word of God always stuck with me, and always will. I have attended all kind of churches from Baptist to Pentecostal, I am now what most call a Charismatic. That being said I have been under all kind of teachings ans some I agree with and some I don’t, I have preferred the old hymnals and Southern gospel style of music and always will , like some comp temporary  and I love what is called black gospel. I think there should be order in the church , but not legalism. If a person wants to dance and clap or sit in reverence that is their choice and God respects that choice. I attend Agape Worship Center in Shelbyville Tennessee where I am Assoc. Pastor and Sunday school teacher I have my own ministry dedicated to God which is called Crossroads which I still aspire to turn into a church one day. I am a Evangelical who believes in the futurist interpretation of the book of Revelation and yes I do believe it is happening now. I study under the likes of Perry Stone, John Hagee  and Gavin Finley among others.I am pro-life with the exception of death to the mother I am anti homosexual and do not think they deserve the rights to be married and if it could be made illegal I would support that. I am for capital punishment and it should include all violent criminals with the death sentence given to people who murder in cold blood, pedophiles and rapist on the first offense with no second chances. I believe the chain gangs should be brought back for the rest, with just the bare necessities while in prison. I support drug test for welfare recipients before they are given benefits and those benefits should only be temporary and not a lifestyle. Though I am am not racist as I have been called I do no believe in interracial marriages, never have and never will. I think all illegal immigrants should be sent home or made legal and pay taxes. I do believe Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven all all other faiths with the exception of the Jewish faith which is fulfilling God’s purpose are false and will lead people to Hell. Don’t believe in tattoos or body  piercings  for myself I think they are trashy. I am neither Democrat or Republican I vote my conscience I know good and bad on both sides. I love classic country and classic rock, blues, hate rap, opera. I may seem bold in doing this and you can take what you want from it. These are my views and do not represent the church I attend. I have issues with what a lot of churches do, but they are Christians nobody has it completely right , we all do the best we can. I live by my faith and the best moral values I possibly can. I do not agree with the special treatment some minorities get, if you are American you are American and should be treated fairly. It is not right that what my race got blasted for is OK for those now with the special groups and support they get. If we created a group to help white people we would be in court. I do not believe Satanist should be legal to worship not other non christian faiths, including Pagan and Wicca and well if it ain’t Jesus don’t do it! Parents should have the right to spank their kids without being punished, and schools should not indoctrinate their beliefs into the kids. In closing if you hate me now well so be it I will still sleep at night. I answer to God first, my family and myself second and that is all I worry about. Anything else you want to ask feel free, you may not like the answer! Be Blessed!

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